Male infertility is quite common, statistics show that up to 1/3 of infertility cases come from men.

It is important for men to monitor their health status and detect problems to seek treatment as soon as possible.

No children after a year

Signs of infertility cannot be seen or felt, so most men only know they have a problem until their attempts to conceive fail after a period of time.

The ‘little guy’ is painful, swollen or has a lump

If the penis is swollen and painful or a tumor appears in this part, men need to see a doctor.

The appearance of a lump or lump accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or scrotum can warn of testicular cancer, a condition that can affect the chance of becoming a father.

Prolonged erectile dysfunction

The inability to achieve or maintain an erection is an obvious obstacle to conceiving.

Prolonged erectile dysfunction or abnormalities in ejaculation are signs that men need to see a doctor soon.

Erectile dysfunction can be treated as long as men see a doctor early and don’t hide their condition.

Abnormalities in ejaculation

Another sign that men need to pay attention to is prolonged abnormal ejaculation such as decreased semen volume, difficulty ejaculating, or changes in texture such as color, texture, or consistency.

Normal semen is white or light gray while a more yellow color can indicate urine in the semen (which can be a potential sign of infertility) and green or pinkish semen

Furthermore, the texture of semen should be thick when ejaculated.

Sexual desire changes seriously

Another sign that requires an infertility examination is when men notice that their sexual desire has seriously decreased or suddenly disappeared.

Essentially, this can signal problems in the pituitary gland, which produces hormones (such as testosterone) that are essential for male fertility.

When you go to the doctor, talk frankly about your symptoms with your specialist.