The kidneys are located on either side of the spine, below the rib cage, with the left kidney slightly higher than the right kidney.

Kidney pain can be sharp or just dull, and not all causes of kidney pain require treatment.


Glomerulonephritis results from other chronic conditions such as diabetes and lupus.

Blockage of blood vessels to the kidneys

Blockage of blood vessels to the kidneys is called renal infarction or renal vein thrombosis.

This serious condition causes kidney damage.

Kidney pain has many causes but does not always require treatment. Patients can follow a scientific diet and exercise to reduce symptoms.

Kidney bleeding

Bleeding or hemorrhage is a serious cause of kidney pain.

Pain relief and rest help treat mild kidney bleeding.


Not drinking enough water can cause pain in one or both kidneys.

To improve this condition, you need to drink lots of water and eat foods rich in water such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are small, hard crystals that accumulate inside the kidneys, made of salt and minerals like calcium.

Kidney stones can be painful, but they are usually harmless and should be treated with pain relievers.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) occurs when there are many cysts in one or both kidneys.

There is no cure for PKD.

Prostatic hypertrophy

Prostate enlargement is a common condition in men over 40 years old.

Disease sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic condition that changes the shape of red blood cells.