Recent satellite images published by the military magazine Kanwa Asian Defense in Canada show that the Chinese army (PLA) deployed many ZTD-05 amphibious armored vehicles of the Type 05 series for units of the War Command.

The new ZTD-05 armored vehicles have green camouflage paint instead of blue, suggesting they may belong to the army.

Experts from the military magazine Kanwa Asian Defense said this move is a sign that the PLA army wants to play an important role in the long-term mission of `unifying the island of Taiwan`.

Satellite photo of amphibious armored vehicle ZTD-05 at the base of a combined arms brigade of the Chinese Army’s Eastern Theater Command in July. Photo: Kanwa Defense Review.

A military source close to the PLA said that China’s amphibious brigades were formed on the basis of the first amphibious mechanized infantry division of the 71st Army Group. During the military reform, the President

The Chinese Army has a total of 13 army groups, and many army divisions have been divided into smaller joint service brigades during the reform.

`The PLA Army wants to play a proactive role in efforts to reclaim Taiwan because it already possesses weapons systems powerful enough to attack the island without the need for missile support,` Andrei Chang, editor-in-chief.

China sent more armored personnel carriers near the Taiwan Strait

Type 16 rocket artillery, or PHL-16, and PCL191 at the base of the Chinese Army’s Eastern Theater Command in July. Photo: Kanwa Defense Review.

`The PLA is also deploying the Type PCL191 high-fire rocket artillery system for army units in the Eastern War Region,` Chang said, adding that the Type PCL191 with a range of up to 350 km is capable of hitting enemy units.

`The Taiwan Strait is about 180 km wide. The PCL191 rocket artillery is capable of accurately destroying military bases and government buildings on the island because this weapon complex is equipped with a satellite positioning system.

PCL191 was developed on the basis of AR3 rocket artillery, which was originally produced by China for export.

The PLA has dispatched a PCL191 brigade to Xiamen, Fujian province, the location closest to mainland China’s island of Taiwan, a military source said.

Hong Kong military expert Song Zhongping said that over the past 7 decades, the PLA has constantly pushed army units to adjust training and combat strategies to meet the highest goal of retrieving Taiwan.

`In the mission to unify Taiwan, the PLA army understands that amphibious operations to occupy the island are much more important than fighting on land, but the current number of marine forces is not enough to meet the requirements.

Mainland China has always considered Taiwan a province awaiting reunification, even by force if necessary.

The PLA has recently held many exercises around the island of Taiwan with the most modern equipment, and conducted many close-in flights, forcing the island’s defense forces to send fighters to prevent it.