In a hearing before the legislative branch on October 7, Taiwan defense agency leader Nghiem Duc Phat said the Chinese military (PLA) sent military aircraft `into the identification zone` 1,710 times.
Of the 1,710 times PLA military aircraft approached the island of Taiwan, 219 times they flew into the island’s southwest ADIZ and 49 times `crossed the median line` of the strait, the most since 1990, Mr. Nghiem said.
Taiwan’s Self-Defense Forces sent military aircraft to sortie nearly 3,000 times to respond to or monitor mainland Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels.
The Chinese military’s Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft operates near the island of Taiwan.
Taiwan’s defense agency said the island spent about 886.49 million USD on 2,972 aircraft sorties.
Taipei has spent about 1.09 billion USD on exercises since the beginning of the year, equivalent to 8.7% of the Taiwan defense force’s budget.
Defense agency leader Nguyen Duc Phat said the budget for defense activities is `enough to cope with the PLA’s increased exercises` in the sea and airspace near the island of Taiwan.
The `median line` located in the middle of the Taiwan Strait is considered by the island as a `buffer zone` for the southwest air defense identification zone (ADIZ).
However, in recent months, the PLA has repeatedly sent military aircraft and naval vessels across the `median line`, especially during the visit to Taiwan by US Deputy Secretary of State Keith Krach.
Mr. Nghiem Duc Phat said Taiwan’s defense forces are considering increasing the frequency of mobilizing reserve forces to improve combat readiness.
A special agency will be established to be in charge of mobilizing reserve forces with the number increasing from 7 to 12 brigades in the near future.
Taiwan Island (China).
China considers Taiwan a part of its territory awaiting reunification and is ready to use force if necessary.
Beijing reacted violently when Washington increased its support for Taipei, including visits by senior officials in the US government and large-value arms sales contracts to the island.