The World Health Organization considers mental health to be the fourth most important after cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.

In Vietnam, a 2002 national study showed that depressive disorder accounts for nearly 4% of the population.

Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men.

In the minds of many people, no one goes to the doctor because they are bored with life but only goes for a physical examination.

The consequences of the disease can be very severe.

Treat depression with medication and psychotherapy.

The second treatment method is psychotherapy.

Therefore, the weakness of this method is that it requires more effort and time from both the patient and the therapist compared to drug treatment.

`Psychological measures are essentially sayings in each situation, helping to support more positive and reasonable thinking so that the patient does not have negative thoughts. As simple as quitting smoking, everyone knows it is necessary.

In our country, currently depressed patients are often only prescribed medication, and few receive psychological counseling and support.

Symptoms of depressive disorder are boredom that lasts for at least 2 weeks, the patient feels like they have no energy, are not interested in anything including the things they used to like, don’t eat, don’t meet friends… If they are bored