After a period of social distancing and working from home, many people gain weight out of control.
Studies show that people who need to lose weight should eat healthy, balanced meals and increase physical activity.
Avoid crash diets
This is a diet that requires low calorie intake, so the body is often in a hungry state.
`These types of diets can help you lose weight quickly. But body weight is mostly water. When you eat a lot again, your body once again gains weight. Low-calorie diets can also easily make you feel tired.`
Dieting this way is not sustainable, because the body always needs energy in the form of glucose to function.
Ms. Chong advises dieters not to completely cut out any food groups.
Prioritize the use of fresh foods
Convenience foods and processed foods are high in sugar, salt, fat and additives.
Ready-made foods contain a lot of artificial or added sugars, which have high insulin levels, causing weight gain.
Experts recommend that people who want to lose weight eat whole, unprocessed foods.
Avocados are a great source of healthy fats.
Chew your food thoroughly
Research by Waseda University in Japan shows the relationship between chewing activity and diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT).
Experts have found that taking time to taste food in your mouth and chewing slowly before swallowing will increase heat production.
Add foods rich in fiber
According to Dr. Watkins, foods rich in fiber help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.
Viscous fiber, a form of soluble fiber, can help keep you feeling full longer.
Plan your meals in advance
`We tend to make poor decisions about eating when we’re hungry,` says Dr. Chong. `I recommend planning your meals, perhaps preparing some in advance and storing them in the refrigerator.
She recommends that people who need to lose weight cook their own food and can eat canned food, but not often.
Do not completely cut out fat from your diet
Fat is an important component of the diet.
According to research published in 2020 in the journal Nutrition, some fats, such as Omega-3, are essential for the body.
Therefore, experts do not recommend that people who are losing weight completely cut fat from their diet.
Drink enough water
According to Dr. Watkins, staying hydrated is an important part of healthy weight loss.
Dr. Chong recommends drinking enough water throughout the 24 hours.
`During the weight loss process, fat will be decomposed and waste will be released. Therefore, you should drink lots of water to eliminate these toxins,` Mr. Chong said.