In addition, during the week there were many other videos of interest such as: Two men miraculously escaped death after crashing into the head of a car;

Thugs slashed the shop owner, and staff threw beer to fight back

The massacre that occurred at 11:00 p.m. on June 5 was captured by security cameras at a restaurant in Ben Luc district (Long An).

The shop staff used bottles to throw back at the two thugs.

The owner screamed and kicked down the vegetable stall in front of the house

`Get it out of my house! Is this a place to gather and sell?… For all these years, having been displayed like that in front of my house, who can stand it? Can you stand it at your house?`

The video of an employee throwing a beer bottle to save the shop owner from thugs has been seen for many weeks

The female homeowner kicked over a row of vegetables for sale in front of her house.

Two men miraculously escaped death when they crashed into the front of a car

The accident happened on the morning of June 22 in Vinh Phuc, when a dashcam car was suddenly driven by two motorcyclists in the opposite lane who carelessly passed a truck and hit the car head-on.

The video of an employee throwing a beer bottle to save the shop owner from thugs has been seen for many weeks

The situation happened so quickly that the driver only had time to steer slightly to the right by reflex.

A young man rushed out to capture the Honda Air Blade thief

The man wearing a helmet approached the Air Blade parked on the sidewalk to crack the lock.

The video of an employee throwing a beer bottle to save the shop owner from thugs has been seen for many weeks

The thief was discovered by a young man in the house who rushed out and caught him on the spot.

Two girls were busy ‘checking in’ for food when their bags were stolen

As soon as the restaurant staff brought out the plate of food, the two girls continuously adjusted the position of the plate to get the perfect picture.

The video of an employee throwing a beer bottle to save the shop owner from thugs has been seen for many weeks

The robber pretended to be on the phone and came closer to snatch the bag from the table.

A young man in a car helps a stranger refuel his motorbike

The kind young man took the gasoline can from the car down and poured it into the motorbike to help passersby.

The video of an employee throwing a beer bottle to save the shop owner from thugs has been seen for many weeks

The young man poured gasoline to help the man.

>> See more: The young man who was driven away by a car driver taught him a lifelong lesson

Tran Hung compiled

The video of a female customer forcing the gas station to refill 500,000 VND has been viewed for many weeks

After paying 500,000 VND, the female customer took a stick and poked the car’s gas tank and said to the gas station employee: `Look and check, there is no gas.`

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